Week Three: Earrings

This has been a crazy week so I didn't have much time to really devote to making jewelry. I spent my weekend taking my 3 year old son on his first camping trip, so I had no time that I could utilize for jewelry over the weekend - hence, the quickie earrings I cranked out to keep up with the project in a timely manner.
I might have tried taking some supplies along with me but that we were hiking into primitive forest about 10:30 at night, in the dark... just me and my son, and god knows I had enough to carry in addition to having to hold my little mans hand the whole way in (which was a somewhat precarious trip) who was a little concerned about his mommy leading him into dark woods in the middle of the night. LOL But we were meeting friends who also had children who were already out there, and I kept encouraging him on with the promise that his Kat and Adrianna would be waiting for him... after about the first 10 minutes on the trail, he began to doubt me and insisted that Kat and Adrianna were in school, not in the dark woods and that we were lost and should go home. But he held my hand in a death grip and we continued forward. He was so pleased when we arrived in the camp site and his buddies, Kat and Adrianna, were waiting for him - just as mommy had said. He had the best time of his life that weekend, and he keeps urging me to take him camping again... so I guess the dark and scary trip in was worth it to him after all. :)
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