Life has been hectic ... seems like when the warmer months arrive time flys faster and even though there is more light in the day, there is less time in the day. It's just that there's so much more to do.
I'm presently preparing for the Northwest Florida Art Councils Outside Art Fair show to be held May 17th and 18th. I sure am hoping that the weather holds for me this go 'round. The last show I did was effectively rained out which made for a pitiful show. The economy is having ill consequences for American artists as it is .. and the weather doesn't seem to be helping much either. :( Come rain or shine, I will be sitting in my booth this weekend hoping to at least earn back my investment. If it's raining, put on your slickers and come see me anyway!
The last few weeks I've found myself tied up with comissions. One of them was quite the challenge for me. I made a basket weave bezel pendant on custom order with a pin backing. Originally I thought it would be as easy as ordering a prefab pin backing and afixing it to the pendant - WRONG. I could not find one in an appropriate size ... they were all either a couple of mm too big or too small so I had to make my own. I agonized over this pin backing. I wanted to be sure it was strong enough and fully secure and I had to redo it a couple of times to get it just so. But the good news is that I learned something from this project. Now I can add pins to my hat, so to speak. Though I must admit, I doubt I will take anymore pins on custom order because it took too much time - all the fretting and agonizing over getting it perfect. UGH.

After the pin was completed, I took a full 24 hours to celebrate before moving on to my next comission. A lady by the name of Joan had a ring that was special to her because it contained her prized angel skin coral carved rose stone. An amazingly beautiful stone ... but unfortunately the ring had been stepped on and it was beyond repair when it came into my hands. I remade the ring for her and was fretting over whether or not she would like the final product - thankfully I recieved news that she loved it. You can find a picture of the ring below.

Thanks for stopping by. Keep an eye on the website for some changes soon to come.
I'm presently preparing for the Northwest Florida Art Councils Outside Art Fair show to be held May 17th and 18th. I sure am hoping that the weather holds for me this go 'round. The last show I did was effectively rained out which made for a pitiful show. The economy is having ill consequences for American artists as it is .. and the weather doesn't seem to be helping much either. :( Come rain or shine, I will be sitting in my booth this weekend hoping to at least earn back my investment. If it's raining, put on your slickers and come see me anyway!
The last few weeks I've found myself tied up with comissions. One of them was quite the challenge for me. I made a basket weave bezel pendant on custom order with a pin backing. Originally I thought it would be as easy as ordering a prefab pin backing and afixing it to the pendant - WRONG. I could not find one in an appropriate size ... they were all either a couple of mm too big or too small so I had to make my own. I agonized over this pin backing. I wanted to be sure it was strong enough and fully secure and I had to redo it a couple of times to get it just so. But the good news is that I learned something from this project. Now I can add pins to my hat, so to speak. Though I must admit, I doubt I will take anymore pins on custom order because it took too much time - all the fretting and agonizing over getting it perfect. UGH.

After the pin was completed, I took a full 24 hours to celebrate before moving on to my next comission. A lady by the name of Joan had a ring that was special to her because it contained her prized angel skin coral carved rose stone. An amazingly beautiful stone ... but unfortunately the ring had been stepped on and it was beyond repair when it came into my hands. I remade the ring for her and was fretting over whether or not she would like the final product - thankfully I recieved news that she loved it. You can find a picture of the ring below.

Thanks for stopping by. Keep an eye on the website for some changes soon to come.
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