FSOJ wk 13: Custom Ordered Luna Pendant, # 14 in the series

For week 13 in the Four Season's of Jewelry project, I am submitting a custom ordered Luna Pendant. Her name is Charlie, named for the young woman for which she was meant. Her father comissioned her at the recent Pensacola Christmas Market for his daughter's christmas present. He asked me to include a personal message on the back. Where as I usually use this space to sign date and number the piece, I agreed and thankfully was able to fit all of it on the back. I had my doubts I would be able to.
As an aside, I got a little press in the local paper off of the show. A reporter stepped up to my booth to interview a customer... he started kind of fumbling his words then nervously turned and told the reporter that she should be talking to the vendors at the show and nudged her in my direction. I got a couple of quotes in, a brief description of my work and that's about it. Would have loved to get a photo or contact info in there with it, but didn't. :( But at least my name was out there. :) Right? I just hope I didn't burn up all of my 15 minutes of fame on it... LOL
Labels: Delia's, handcrafted, jewelry, wire wrap
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