Making Progress
Monday, May 12, 2008
Well, if you've looked around on the site recently you can see I have been busy working to update it. I will be preparing to send out a newsletter as soon as the updates are completed. I have been working on photography a bit here and there and I have a few new photos up to share as well. You'll see the previous blog entry was updated with pictures just today and you'll find many more necklaces and pendants listed on the site as well. I still have much work to do, but at least I am making progress.
I recently won third place in the April Metamorphasis Contest. There was some fierce competition and many well deserving peices. I entered my 'Tribute to Spring' Necklace, shown below;

Yes folks ... those of you who know me know that it took every ounce of resistance I could muster to keep from oxidizing it! And it helped that my whole jar of LOS has disappeared since my last show. ::grrrr:: Ah well, I have decided I like this one bright. :)
More updates to come!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Well, if you've looked around on the site recently you can see I have been busy working to update it. I will be preparing to send out a newsletter as soon as the updates are completed. I have been working on photography a bit here and there and I have a few new photos up to share as well. You'll see the previous blog entry was updated with pictures just today and you'll find many more necklaces and pendants listed on the site as well. I still have much work to do, but at least I am making progress.
I recently won third place in the April Metamorphasis Contest. There was some fierce competition and many well deserving peices. I entered my 'Tribute to Spring' Necklace, shown below;

Yes folks ... those of you who know me know that it took every ounce of resistance I could muster to keep from oxidizing it! And it helped that my whole jar of LOS has disappeared since my last show. ::grrrr:: Ah well, I have decided I like this one bright. :)
More updates to come!
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